持續的進修 只是為了讓您有更好的治療結果

2023-07 Digital orthodontic Syposium
2022-10 Annual Congress of APLI World Congress Asia Pacific Laser Institute
2016-09 FACE Course : Dr. Alberto Canabez (China)
Dr. Alberto Canabez – Berthet Contact Details [email protected]
2013-07 ReThink PSL
2013-06 IAOI 年中大會
2013-05 矯正進階課程 結業
2013-04 早期矯正治療
2012-12 the annual conference of TAO
(Orthodontic Complications and Risk Management)
2012-11 TMD,occlusion and orthodontic relation
2012-09 Paradigm Shift of Surgical Orthodontic Treatment.
2012-09 TAO Interdisciplinary treatment.
2012-08 TOS Coordinations toward a perfect clinical orthodontics.
2012-08 花蓮萬榮鄉 義診
2012-04 Conventional Ligation V.S. Passive Ligation
2012-02 Tenbrook
2011-09-2012-04 Damon course I
2011-12 TAO”the new wold of esthetics”
2011-11 Orthodontic treatment of adult case
2011-10 矯正治療的根管治療觀點
2011-08 台灣口腔矯正醫學會
2011-08-2011-10 keynote 高效簡報學習法
2011-08 Simple & Excellent :the lingual self-ligation & straight wire technique
2011-08 The Evalution & Innovation in Modern Orthodontics
2011-08 Simple & Excellent :the lingual self-ligation & straight wire technique
2011-08 The Evalution & Innovation in Modern Orthodontics
2011-06 PARADIGM SHIFT of Orthognathic surgery
2011-04 Dr. Dr. Seung-Hak Baek (首爾大學矯正科主任)/陸開盛醫師/況守信醫師
2011-03 Dr. William J. Clark
2010.03 顱顏學會舉辦正顎手術與齒顎矯正研討會
Symposium on 「Surgery-First Orthognathic Surgery」
2009.05 Class III and Midfacial Deficiency Treatment
2009. 01 Charles Burstone 2009 New Year Special Lecture